Viatek launches scanning as a service

The Viatek scan Bureau
The way in which the key participants of a business interact has enormous implications for the viability and longevity of a business. Everything that facilitates this interaction appears to be going digital but there is still a collision between the ‘digital world’ with the traditional ‘paper based world’.
This is a major problem. Trying to manage both is like having war on two fronts. So what can be done? Adopting a singular approach to business processes - completely paper based or completely digital.
It’s a given that choosing to be completely paper based is not a good option as customers, suppliers and employees would soon start disappearing…even more so as time goes on. Most businesses are now saying “right, we are going as paperless as possible”. The line in the sand is drawn and
software and hardware is purchased and then from a certain date, paper just won’t be used or exist in the business. Isn’t that how it’s supposed to happen? Unfortunately, it’s not that simple.
Existing paper and historical records will continue to collide with the ‘new’ digital approach meaning that the ‘war on two fronts’ goes on and on and on, chewing up resources and costing time and opportunity.
Even if the paper is sitting in offsite storage - that’s a completely sunk cost. The remaining paper needs to be digitised. Scanning large amounts of paper within a business is a very very difficult project to complete. Staff get sick of it. People leave. Quality suffers. Management time is consumed. IT costs blow out. Resources get diverted. It’s expensive.
Viatek has launched a new end to end scanning service that is designed to help businesses make the stepped change from ‘paper reliant’ to ‘paper free’ and to stop the war on two fronts. Cost effective and expert scanning from Viatek can help businesses get the most out of a ‘paperless office’ or digital strategy.
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