Articles Under Health & Wellbeing
Change your mindset
Stressed. Tired. I need a drink. These are common responses to the global workplace greeting “how are you today”?

Why a healthy workplace?
A workplace health program is an activity or range of activities that aim to support and promote the health of employees...

Keeping your workforce healthy, alert and productive
For many employers the start of the year brought with it new opportunities.

Dancing your way to better health
At the unassuming address of 880 Hunter Street, Newcastle West, Catapult Choreographic Hub is now offering drop in conte...

Recharge to stop burn out
In business, we juggle many projects and goals and quite often do it all again at home. This busyness can easily turn in...

Outdoor fitness gym for Miller Park
With support from Cessnock City Council the Samaritans Foundation has secured a $52,000 grant from the Newcastle Permane...

Pilot study to target teachers’ health
Hunter teachers are the focus of a new pilot health study being conducted by University of Newcastle (UON) physical acti...

Inventive home wins big at Newcastle Architecture Awards
The 2016 winners of the Australian Institute of Architects’ Newcastle Architecture Awards were revealed at a special cer...