Articles Under Business News
Broadmeadow’s future mapped for the next 30 years
The NSW Government welcomes the City of Newcastle releasing a bold vision for Broadmeadow to outline how housing, employ...

Hunter Manufacturing Awards celebrates its 20th year
The Hunter Manufacturing Awards (HMA) proudly commemorates its 20th year in 2024, a landmark anniversary that underlin...

Grouting fund lays groundwork for Lake Mac development
Disused mining voids beneath prime commercial real estate in Lake Macquarie are set to be filled with thousands of tonne...

Hunter students awarded life-changing Public Education scholarships
Sixteen local students received scholarships at the 2024 Proudly Public! Awards night at Sydney Town Hall on May 9.

Doors are opening for Port of Newcastle Deepwater Container Terminal
Port of Newcastle confirms the one-off compensation payment required under the Port of Newcastle Extinguishment of Liabi...

Excellence in Safety Sponsored by Port Waratah Coal Services
Winners OneSteel – Newcastle Rod Mill has continued with the ongoing implementation of their ’Take 2 for Injury Preven...