Australian Drilling Attachments

Women in Business

Chelsea, Maria & Cate

Welcome to Hunter Business Review’s Women in Business feature for 2014.

The role of women in business has changed significantly in recent decades, including formerly male industries such as mining and manufacturing, and domains such as company boards.
That is not to say that there is true equality. Outdated prejudices are still present, albeit at a less blatant level than in years gone by.
Women are still paid on average less than men for similar jobs and there are still far too few women in upper management and board positions.
Women also often have to deal with a range of different social expectations than men, even from within their own family.
But change is happening and this feature is designed to cover a small selection of local businesswomen that have made significant achievements in business and also helped to enrich the fabric of the Hunter community.
On the front cover we feature Maria Charlton, Cate Sims and Chelsea D'aoust. These three women have followed very different paths but are all fine examples of success in their fields.
We hope you enjoy reading these and the other stories in the feature, and also consider the wider issues of Women in Business.
Women are a force to be reckoned with in business in the Hunter. They can be found making their mark and contributing significantly to the local business economy and conversation in a variety of roles and across a broad range of industries.
This year we have interviewed nine individual women all with a different story to tell. Our cover features Maria Charleton; she changed local history as the first member of the Newcastle Business Men’s Club, Cate Sims; who regularly navigates negotiations between Indigenous communities and mining giants, and Chelsea D’oust; an environmentally sustainable innovator and entrepreneur, juggling two children under three and Bedouin dreams.
Inside we talk with Kath Teagle, who, disappointed by traditional medical centres, started her own allencompassing wellness centre, Abby McCarthy, who’s love of the Hunter lifestyle led her to start her own branding company straight out of Uni, Brooke Phillips who uses her business nous to help local SME’s achieve success, Lisa Margan, who followed her heart into a successful agribusiness, Ngaire Baker, who just loves getting on the road to places you’ve probably never heard of, and Helga Saxarra, a woman who lives, loves, and is the travel business.
Nine impressive and inspiring people. Different stories to tell but also some commonalities, they all have routines they maintain, this routine mostly includes early morning exercise of some sort, and they do what they do, because they love it. Perhaps that’s the key to business success? Just do it, and while you’re at it, love it.