Urban Growth NSW
Truly great cities know who they are, where they are going and how they want to be positioned in relation to other cities. It’s time for Newcastle to claim its place in the Asia Pacific Region, by building upon its rich heritage and natural assets, utilizing the economic potential of the region, and laying claim to its rightful position as Australia’s first regional city of the Asia Pacific.
UrbanGrowth NSW has been tasked with helping Newcastle to write the next chapter in its story. As the lead agency in the delivery of the Newcastle Urban Renewal and Transport Program, UrbanGrowth NSW is coordinating Government agencies including Transport for NSW, and working closely with Newcastle City Council, to develop and deliver a concept plan for the city’s renewal. This plan is being developed in close consultation with the Newcastle community, and will ensure world class outcomes for the city.
The plan is anchored in a vision focused on turning the city to meet the Asia-Pacific. That vision has three pillars:
• Valley by the sea. From its very early days, Newcastle city has drawn people and produce from the Valley to the coast. In this vision for the city, the Valley continues to play an important role in influencing the city’s wealth and character. Whether it is fresh produce markets and food and wine festivals drawing local and international visitors, or incubator hubs launching the careers of internationally– renowned food innovators, or family friendly adventure and play zones, the region’s bounty will continue to fuel the city’s fortunes.
• Enterprise city. The Newcastle city of the future has university campuses, technical colleges and accommodation forming a higher education cluster around Civic, feeding the hi-tech businesses located around the new global business district at West End with a highly educated workforce. This is the Enterprise City, a place where employees of global companies are trained and want to live and work. This is Newcastle in its global context.
• Port city. The port and its associated industries connects the city to the global market place and gives it a distinct identity that is rooted in the past but also about now and the future. The global headquarters of a major mining company, an aeronautical design company, and a leading high tech company are all found in the new West End business district. The highly skilled workforce is attracted to live and work in the city due to access to quality of life opportunities and global events offerings at Honeysuckle and along the waterfront.
It’s an exciting vision that will require a coordinated, collaborative approach, and a mandate to deliver. This seems to be where UrbanGrowth NSW is heading, and for Newcastle’s sake, let’s hope they get there. For under that scenario, Newcastle’s future is a bright and exciting one.
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