Upper Hunter Workforce Coordinator appointed
As part of the Upper Hunter Economic Diversification Project, an Upper Hunter Workforce Plan Coordinator has been appointed.
The Upper Hunter Workforce Plan (UHWP) was commissioned by the six LGAs in the region: Upper Hunter, Gloucester, Muswellbrook, Singleton, Dungog and Great Lakes.
Jane Callinan has been appointed to the role of Upper Hunter Workforce Co-ordinator. In this position Jane will work with local governments, chambers of commerce, industry groups, local businesses and other stakeholders throughout the Upper Hunter to establish workforce planning projects.
The need for an Upper Hunter Regional Workforce Plan was identified in the findings of the Upper Hunter Economic Diversification Report 2011, which examined the future of the region, and emerging business and employment opportunities over a 20-25 year horizon.
The Workforce Plan project focussed on workforce supply and demand over the next 10 years, taking into consideration the high and volatile demand for workers and skills (mainly due to the energy and resources sectors), the requirements for education and training, and the longer term workforce implications of an ageing population.
The UHWP project focuses on workforce supply and demand over the next 10 years, taking into account the high and cyclical demand for workers and skills, the requirements for education and training, and the longer term workforce implications of an ageing population.
Recommendations include:
• Create Industry Taskforces in sectors experiencing skill shortages (eg. aged care, children’s services, agribusiness, tourism) and
• initiate industry skills projects.
• Implement initiatives to broaden the workforce - covering mature workers and unemployed workers.
• Attract a university to deliver courses in the Muswellbrook/ Singleton area.
• Provide support to Opportunity Hub Upper Hunter program.
• Maintain and expand programs of Specialist Skills Centres in the region.
• Continue development of Muswellbrook as mining industry skills hub.
• Support continuation and extension of the ME Program.
• Provide support for Equine Industry skills initiatives.
• Provide support to small and medium sized businesses for workforce planning, productivity improvement and skills development.
• Secure agreement to an annual mining industry survey.
• Encourage more industry involvement in industry workforce and skills programs through engagement with local chambers
• and industry associations.
• Review age structure of major industries in the region.
• Develop an initial regional labour market report.
• Ensure workforce issues covered in regional and local plans and strategies.
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