The University in the City
As early as 2006, an education precinct located in the CBD of Newcastle has been part of the University’s vision and at that time they commenced a determined campaign to realise this ambition.
While scope existed to deliver increased capacity at the Callaghan campus, it would not take advantage of the benefits of an increased presence in the city or deliver the additional
benefits for enabling and pathway students.
The University currently has a significant asset portfolio in the CBD consisting of:
• Conservatorium of Music
• University House
• Northumberland House
• 468 Hunter St
• TPI House
• NeW Space – a key strategic project for the University.
Part of the master planning process for the growth of the University in the CBD was looking at creative industries and other research and innovation clusters.
These clusters will act as ‘one-stop-shops’ to bring industry partners together with researchers across different discipline areas, and in doing so, generate ‘real-world’ solutions to complex problems.
Through partnering with industry, and providing infrastructure where researchers, businesses, academics and innovators can work collaboratively, the University will drive a step change in the economic and industrial profile of regional NSW and spark the urban renewal for the CBD of Newcastle.
New Space will be a catalyst for redeveloping the physical and cultural heart of the City of Newcastle and is a key strategic project for the University to realise its vision of being a global leader.
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