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The Coates Hire Newcastle 500 showcasing the Hunter

The Coates Hire Newcastle 500 has exceeded all expectation with tickets sales unprecedented for any new Supercars event in history as the people of the Hunter vote with their feet.
The event will be the biggest of any major weekend in the Hunter with a crowd of up to 150,000 expected across the three days for the grand final of the Supercars season.
Legendary Australian rock band, Cold Chisel will headline the inaugural Coates Hire Newcastle 500 on Saturday, 25 November - their only mainland-Australia show for 2017.
This show marks the first time Cold Chisel has played in Newcastle since their massive Light The Nitro tour back in 2011 (which remains the biggest grossing tour ever by an Australianbased band).
"Newcastle has always been great to us," says front man Jimmy Barnes.
"When we were starving in our early days, we would drive up there and fill rooms, long before we did anywhere else. We got to learn our trade playing to wild and appreciative crowds in full rooms there. If we owe anyplace anything, it's Newcastle."
Spiderbait, who recently celebrated their 25th anniversary with sell out shows around the country, have also been confirmed to take the stage on Saturday night at the inaugural event.
Thousands of locals flocked to a Supercars Community Day in April to secure the first tickets with a queue which stretched for more than a kilometre. The residents swarmed the venue for the inaugural Supercars race with an estimated crowd of more than 10,000 people voicing their support for the City’s biggest major event.
Supercars CEO James Warburton said the overwhelming response was proof Newcastle had embraced the event and voted with its feet.
“There is an amazing show of support which demonstrates just how much this community wants it and how much it means to the region,” Mr Warburton said.
Mr Warburton said the region would reap massive economic benefits and showcase Newcastle to the world in November.
“There are a lot of people thanking us but the credit should be reserved for Destination New South Wales and Newcastle City Council for their foresight in bringing the event here.”
Supercars great Craig Lowndes has been overwhelmed by the fan support from across the region.
“The amount of enthusiasm and passion for this event is unbelievable. It’s great now to be able to showcase Supercars on the streets of Newcastle.”
Tickets for the Coates Hire Newcastle 500 are on sale now from Ticketek.
The Coates Hires Newcastle 500 is supported by Destination New South Wales and Newcastle City Council as a major regional event which will drive significant visitation and economic benefit to the communities of Newcastle and the Hunter.