The benefits of Human Resource Information Systems for your business
Gabrielle Hancock
HR Business Partner
Ten years ago, investing in a technology platform to store employee data and support HR processes (commonly known as a HRIS) was a consideration for large corporates only. System providers offered only enterprise solutions with enterprise prices - costly implementations, customisations, and ongoing support and maintenance fees.
However, with the move away from onsite server based solutions to cloud technology, the market has been disrupted and there are now many more providers. With a plethora of low cost options now available, the access for organisations of all sizes has never been this easy.
There are many benefits of implementing a HRIS but here are four of the main ones:
1. First and foremost, a HRIS keeps the focus on strategic objectives in two key ways. If people are our greatest asset, then it stands to reason that a system that enables leaders to more effectively manage talent (and everything that entails) is worth investing in. Secondly, implementing a HRIS results in increased productivity through the automation of recurring tasks, among other things. This enables leaders to spend more of their time focused on their core business and strategic goals.
2. With the ever increasing complexity of the Australian employment legislative environment, a HRIS is invaluable in creating consistency and maintaining compliance. Central storage, one “source of truth” for employee data and automated reminders, are just some of the ways a HRIS can lower risk for organisations.
3. Central storage of HR information allows employees and managers to access relevant data as is appropriate. This encourages employees and leaders at all levels of the business to take greater ownership of HR processes including tracking progress against key performance indicators and actively managing learning and development opportunities.
4. It is often said that information is power. With a HRIS, leaders have easy access through the reporting functionality to relevant information that tells a story about what is happening within the organisation. Asking the right questions and using HR data to support with answers can lead to more effective workforce decisions.
Though there are many benefits of implementing a HRIS, it should be noted that technology must be viewed as an enabler, not the entire solution. It is only a tool and needs to be considered in the context of the organisation’s operations, culture, current and future direction. When considering a HRIS, you really need to ask yourself two questions – where are we now and where do we want to be? Only then can you determine if a HRIS can assist to move you from A to B.
For further information contact the performHR team on 1300 406 005 or email
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