Think HBR

Submitting Stories

HBR welcomes editorial submissions for consideration to be included in a future issue. The decision for inclusion and the final format of stories is subject to editorial control, however we do try to accommodate appropriate submitted stories as much as possible.

There are four main types of submissions:

Business News
These cover topics such as major contracts, new products, expansions, new businesses, anniversaries and other general news of interest to our Hunter business readers. Ideally stories should be no more than around 200 words and include an appropriate photograph if available.

Our readers are always interested in significant new staff appointments in the Hunter Region. We only require around 50 words covering the appointment, experience etc plus a high resolution head photograph of the new appointee.

Authored Articles
Each issue also includes a number of authored articles, either in features or in the Business Advice section. We are looking at no more than 500 words plus a photograph of the author and brief bio. Stories should be general in nature, not direct marketing pieces. Please discuss these with the editorial team before specifically writing an authored article for the Hunter Business Review.

Case Studies
Generally looking for 150-200 words on the project / implementation and the outcomes plus a photograph. The case study should be current (ie last month or two) and have genuine news value.

Submitting stories
Please email submissions to
Preferred format is Word for text and high resolution jpg for images
For further information contact Garry Hardie on (02) 4925 7760 or email to the address above