Start with WHY
Paul Siderovski
SiDCOR Chartered Accountants
Have you found yourself preparing for a meeting to get a new client and you’re thinking of what your ELEVATOR pitch is? Only to realise s@#t it’s not that great.
Your brain thinks of the right things to say that will get them across the line. The secret is to return to the vision you had for starting your business and the beliefs you have about what you do.
People buy WHY you do what you do, not what you do! A competitor can copy what you do, disguise and tweak it and say it’s unique. They can’t copy your WHY……well they can, but it fizzes away and is seen through pretty quickly. I can truly say I have no competitor in the accounting space due to no other accountant having the same WHY as I do.
Why you do what you do comes from the heart and gut, not the brain. You don’t think about it as it just comes naturally.
If you nail this part of your business, it will change the whole business and your life! Why? Everything you do for the business (marketing, staff engagement, recruitment, etc) has now a newfound CONTEXT. Before it’s a lot of activity focusing on what you do.
I know this is deep, but get this part right for your business and it will grow very fast. I did this for my business five years ago and it changed everything. Only last week we helped a client realise the core of the VISION and BELIEF for their business, he then articulated in a meeting why he did what he did, and one of his employees was gob smacked and asked where did those words come from. It came from the heart and the understanding that PEOPLE BUY WHY YOU DO WHAT YOU DO.
For further information contact SiDCOR on 1300 743 267, email or visit
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