Shortlist for new trains tender announced

Indicative image internal seats
The NSW Government will invest billions in a new fleet to service long distance travel from Sydney to Newcastle, the Central Coast, the South Coast, and the Blue Mountains. Last year, the NSW Government called for Expressions of Interest to deliver and maintain the next generation intercity trains. Minister for Transport and Infrastructure Andrew Constance has announced that four consortia have made the shortlist which includes a mix of local and international organisations who will be invited to tender.
The contract includes the supply and maintenance of approximately 520 brand new carriages plus the maintenance of the new fleet and fit out and operation of a maintenance facility.
The organisations shortlisted to tender are:
• Alstom Transport Australia Pty Ltd
• Downer-CNRCRC Consortium, comprising Downer EDI Rail Pty Limited and CNR Changchun Railway Vehicles Co Ltd
• Stadler Bussnang AG
• UGL/MEA/CSR Consortium comprising UGL Rail Services Pty Ltd, Mitsubishi Electric Australia Pty Ltd and CSR Corporation Ltd.
The contract is expected to be awarded in 2016 with the new fleet coming into service progressively, the first trains delivered by 2019 and the rest through to 2024.
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