Selling your brand without saying a word
Sam Woods
VibrantConcepts Aust Pty Ltd
In business nothing stays the same, we go forward or backwards…no need to guess the best direction! Business in general has changed drastically over the past 2 years and is more competitive than ever.
Yes, consumers and companies want more for less-dollar spend and everyone is an expert…not.
Yes, we must be at the forefront of our industries with the most up to date knowledge, techniques and skill sets, but these are all useless if we do not have enough clients to sustain our business, and more importantly, the right clients.
So how do you stay in the lead?
One of the best ways is by being a brand that people want to be associated with. More than ever business is visual and with social media often being the most powerful tool in getting a brand’s image and message to the masses the “look” of a brand is vital.
What people think matters, that’s why we brand stuff. Here are three visual brand strategies that are simple to do and will have you and your brand demanding your share of the market:
1. Create – Define your brand’s “personality” and
point of difference (POD). Then, develop a look that epitomises your core message. For example if you are a finance company and your brand’s “personality” and POD is nurturing, innovative and fun it is essential every visual aspect of your company depicts and aligns with this. Therefore, a more non-conventional dress code and brand colours could be required. Visually incorporating a “fun” aspect to a serious business like finance could also be executed with branded events, décor and marketing strategies that inform in a “fun” manner and not the traditional negative strategies that play on a client’s insecurities.
2. Sustain – Stay true to your brand and be consistent. When a brand is consistent, honest and reliable in both spoken and unspoken marketing and branding they will be more trusted and believable. Why? Because they send the message that they are dependable and can be relied upon to always deliver their brand promise and vision statement! This means that if you implement a dress/ behaviour code it must be applied everyday otherwise your organisation could appear to be unreliable, lazy and in some cases dishonest.
3. Evolve – Nothing stays the same and neither should your brand’s image. Yes, your brand’s message, values and promise must remain coherent; however, the “look” of your brand must evolve with changing trends and cultures. Why? Because being up to date and modern sends the vital, unspoken message, that you are at the forefront of your field and a leader, not a follower.
Let’s face it, if a client is going to part with their hard earned cash for a service or product they are going to want to know they are purchasing the best and most current in the market place. To ensure you are the business they choose; Create an attractive brand. Sustain your visual image and work ethic and excel in your delivery. Then, always Evolve and move with the times!
For further information contact call 0425 221 676, email or visit
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