RCA Australia celebrates 25 years of service

Executive Team - Bob Carr, Mark Allman & Alex Rees
Carrington based engineering consultancy RCA Australia is celebrating 25 years in business in 2019. The milestone consolidates RCA’s formidable reputation in the geotechnical and environmental engineering fields.
Founded in 1994 by Bob Carr, RCA continues to deliver specialist knowledge to the construction and development sectors in geotechnical and environmental engineering, construction materials testing, environmental testing and acoustic and vibration assessment.
RCA Managing Director Mark Allman said that the company was thrilled to be celebrating 25 years in the industry and was especially proud of the services it has provided to local industry and community including significant local projects such as BHP Main Site, Pasminco and Honeysuckle Redevelopments, the Hunter Expressway, Minimbah Third Rail Track and the Newcastle Light Rail.
RCA’s engineering expertise has seen them involved in over 150km of Pacific Highway Upgrade projects and currently the company is involved in a major redevelopment project at John Hunter Hospital as well as the proposed Coffs Harbour Bypass.
The company is immensely proud of their record and their talented, hardworking team of engineers, scientists and technicians.
After 25 years, Bob Carr maintains a key role in the company, complemented by Managing Director Mark Allman and recently appointed Director Alex Rees.
The team are excited with the success and growth of the business and look forward to continuing their support of the local community and industry.
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