Think HBR

NSW Outdoor Dining Trial

Out door dinning

Cafés, restaurants and food-based businesses in Port Stephens will now find it easier to expand their business outdoors as Council joins the NSW Outdoor Dining Trial. The trial will run from 1st January 2018 through to 30th June 2018, allowing current food based businesses a simplified and guided process to receiving Outdoor Dining Permits.

The NSW Outdoor Dining Trial introduces a simple self-assessment process, streamlining the process for existing restaurants, cafes and other food-based businesses to expand trading onto the public footpath and is part of the NSW Government Easy to do Business initiative.

The Office of the NSW Small Business Commissioner has worked with local councils to develop the simplified outdoor dining policy and, with Service NSW, identified ways to streamline the application process.

The trial will see businesses only having to deal with a single application form and a fast-tracked approval process. Food based businesses are encouraged to take up the opportunity to expand their business offering during the trial which see's Council and trial partners Service NSW and NSW Liquor & Gaming, waive all associated permit application fees for the period of the trial.

By joining the trial, participating businesses will benefit from:

  • a streamlined and simplified approach for outdoor dining approvals
  • user-friendly, assessment and approval
  • lower costs and compliance burdens

Currently six other local government areas have successfully commenced the trial. Whilst these Council's are offering the trial to a select precinct, Port Stephens Council is offering the opportunity to participate to all cafes and restaurants currently operating within the Port Stephens Local Government area, excluding those who propose to extend outdoor dining on to Crown land.