Australian Drilling Attachments

New Chamber for Throsby Basin

The Throsby Basin Business Chamber, an initiative of local business people within the inner city suburbs of Carrington, Wickham, Islington, Maryville, Tighes Hill and into the old BHP site at Mayfield East, have announced the Foundation Board and President.
The Chamber has 27 Foundation and 7 Community members that represent a broad cross section of businesses.
The Foundation Board includes:
Allan Jackson - Proprietor of the Seven Seas Hotel
Clare Monkley - Managing Director of Love Finance
Paul Newey - Sale Manager at Colourpac Design & Print
Meg Purser - Managing Director of Purser Corporate Communication
Dianne Steggles - Camtom Holdings Pty Limited
Scott Webster - Proprietor of Carrington Place
Robert Wilce - Director of Inner City Winemakers
The Board will be assisted by Greg Lawrence of Achieve Financial as Company Secretary.
At its first meeting, the Throsby Basin Business Chamber appointed Clare Monkley as President.
“We are thrilled by the opportunities that lay ahead. We look forward to working with other local Chambers, the City of Newcastle and local interest groups to ensure that Throsby Basin is an attractive and competitive place for business,” Ms Monkley said.
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