Australian Drilling Attachments

New book launched by local business woman

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Did you know that it only takes nine seconds to make a positive impression?

 Lake Macquarie brand, company culture architect, and winner of the 2013 Lake Macquarie Entrepreneur of the Year Award, Heidi Alexandra Pollard does, and she teaches people why in her latest book “It all starts with UQ Power: Boost your income, influence and impact”. Launched in March by the Mayor of Lake Macquarie, Jodie Harrison, the book explains UQ (Uniqueness Quotient) and how it helps readers to discover their own unique power so they can master first impressions based on their personal strengths. UQ it suggests, is a deciding factor in how successful people and companies thrive in the stressful modern world of social media, fast communications and globalization.

UQ is the sum of four key skills that every leader and company must master to balance their quadruple bottom line for success. These four skills are IQ (Intellectually Focused), EQ (Interpersonally Connected), Body (Physically Energised) and Vision (Purposefully Aligned). Heidi Alexandra says that many professionals who are outwardly very successful inwardly feel caught in a vicious circle. From business owners and managers to workers at the coalface, though most are highly motivated and results driven, many are near burn out from feeling overwhelmed and undervalued.

“According to a study by BeyondBlue, stress in the workplace results in a loss of $2.7billion in employee productivity in Australia each year. I myself have worked in toxic work environments and have seen the impact on great people when they feel unappreciated and change fatigued.”

“My key learning from working as a senior leader for 15 years is that when individuals are happy in their career or business and feel respected for their unique contribution, they are generally happier and better people in all aspects of their lives. What motivates people is autonomy, mastery and purpose, and the key to living those can be found in empowering individuals to live their UQ. Happy workforces grow profitable businesses that give back to the community,” Ms Pollard said.

 Book giveaway

 Three copies of Heidi Alexandra Pollard’s “It all starts with UQ Power: Boost your income, influence and impact”are available for subscribers of HBR.

 The draw will take place on the 9th of May 2014, with the winners being drawn from current HBR subscribers as of that date.

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