New Appointments

Craig Hewat has been appointed General Manager of EDUCARE Specialist Services, a multi-disciplinary medical,health and education service provider for the Hunter Region. Craig has 18 years experience in the health sector in NSW. Specialising in business growth, service delivery innovation and leading organisations through key transition periods, Craig is recognised for his ability to deliver significant growth outcomes through relationships, building sustainable partnerships and developing a strong company culture.

Michael McCarthy has been appopinted to the role of Regional OHS Advisor based at Newcastle. The role will see Michael liaise with local industries who utilise Chandler Macleod for labour solutions, providing support and guidance to improve safety outcomes in the workplace. Previously Michael worked with WesTrac, the Caterpillar machinery dealer for over 12 years as a Plant Mechanic and Health and Safety Advisor, and later at Tomago and Mt Thorley in the mining and construction sectors.

Clare Corrigan has recently joined the Shaw Gidley team as the specialist Personal Insolvency Supervisor. Clare is an accredited specialist in providing individual insolvency advice to people and the professionals who represent them. She provides tailored support to those who need assistance navigating the insolvency maze locally and Australia wide.

Andreas Dahmen has commenced as a Business Broker with Link Newcastle based in Charlestown. Andreas comes with a wealth of experience in hospitality, sales, managing and owner operating at all different levels as well as different environments. Most recently, he spent 5 years in the Charlestown Food Court, owner operator of a business called Tasty n Fresh - the only non-franchise food business in the Charlestown food court.
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