Motor businesses join forces
In a coup for local fans and owners of iconic Swedish and French vehicles, McCarroll’s Volvo Renault and Hunter Viking Car Care Centre have agreed to join forces to provide customers in the Hunter with access to highly skilled and factory trained technicians to look after their vehicle servicing needs. Hunter Viking Car Care Centre owner Gareth Trudgeon and his team have developed a great reputation for servicing the needs of owners of European cars in the Hunter Region for over 22 years. With experience working with some of the area’s major automotive groups Gareth was a pioneer in bringing Volvo to the Hunter region and maintaining an aftersales presence.
Gareth said “We have been fortunate to support some great customers who have become friends over the years, whilst continuing to enjoy their passion for European vehicles.”
“Our decision to join with the team from McCarroll’s will allow us to take their ownership experience to the next level as it gives us access to the latest equipment and manufacturer based technology which we believe will allow us to provide better service particularly with the future of electric and hybrid cars fast approaching.”
After first establishing Lexus of Newcastle in 1999 the recent acquisition of Gareth’s business represents another step in the McCarroll Group’s expansion in the Hunter region with the acquisition of Chrysler, Jeep, Dodge, Alfa Romeo, Fiat, Renault and Volvo all in the last 18 months.
Simon McCarroll said “We are truly excited to have the opportunity to work with Gareth and the team. Their knowledge on Volvo, Renault and European vehicles in general is unrivalled in our region and recognised nationally as industry leading by manufacturers. This is particularly important because there is no substitute for knowledge when it comes to maintaining your vehicle. We believe integrating their specialised knowledge with our recent investment in the latest after sales technology at our Denney Street Service Centre in
Broadmeadow will provide a great experience for owners of European vehicles.”
Mr McCarroll said “We were originally attracted to the Hunter Region as a result of my mother’s family ties to the area, having been born and raised in Newcastle.
Our recent investments have reflected not only our family connection, but also our belief in the growth, development and potential of the area.”
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