More time for Newcastle charities in need of funding

Charities and not-for-profit organisations in Newcastle now have until 27 May to complete their funding application for Newcastle Permanent Charitable Foundation’s first funding round of 2016.
The extension of the funding round by four weeks allows the opportunity for charities to comprehensively prepare grant applications to deliver their local projects.
Charitable Foundation Chairman Michael Slater said the Foundation has supported a range of worthy local community programs and it looks forward to assisting with many more.
“We invite all charity organisations in Newcastle who have important community projects to take advantage of the extended deadline and apply for a grant through the Charitable Foundation,” Mr Slater said.
“The Foundation has supported a number of projects in Newcastle and the Hunter since 2004 including Lifestyle Services, Jenny’s Place Incorporated and Headstart, and we’re excited to find more worthwhile initiatives in need of support.
“The Foundation focuses on supporting community projects which address disadvantage in our community in the areas of health, social wellbeing and young people.
“Twice a year the Charitable Foundation distributes approximately $800,000 to local not-forprofit organisations throughout the Hunter, Mid North Coast, Central West, Central Coast, Northern Rivers and New England/North West regions,” Mr Slater said.
Established in 2003 as a gift to the community as part of Newcastle Permanent Building Society’s 100th anniversary, the Charitable Foundation distributes more than $1.5 million annually to local not-forprofit organisations and has committed more than $14 million for more than 360 important community projects and initiatives.
Groups interested in applying for a grant can find information and apply online at
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