Mining first-aid challenge

Glencore’s West Wallsend team
The annual Coal Services coal industry first aid competition is an opportunity for mine site representatives to get together and practice their lifesaving skills. This year’s event was held at the Newcastle Mines Rescue station on 25 September.
The National Heart Foundation of Australia identify that around 54,000 Australians suffer a heart attack every year. This alarming statistic highlights the importance of learning and maintaining first aid skills.
With our local mine sites often operating in remote locations, a distance from medical support, the importance of having trained and confident on-site first aid teams is even more critical.
The competition this year tested a record number of teams, all looking to take home the title. Twelve teams (51 first aiders) came from around NSW travelling from as far away as Tahmoor and Ulan to compete in realistic and high pressure simulated events.
The scenarios this year were complex and teams often had to manage environmental and equipment hazards, multiple injuries and difficult casualties.
Glencore’s West Wallsend team emerged victorious on the day and Captain Bob Wilson said “I would like to congratulate my fellow team members Alex Lidwinski, Mark Cox and Tom Rutkowski for winning the Coal Services NSW First Aid competition.”
The West Wallsend Colliery First Aid Team was formed after an invitation from Coal Services to West Wallsend Colliery Mine Manager Mark Munro to enter a four man team.
Other competing teams included Bulga open cut, Tahmoor, Ravensworth open cut (team 1), Ravensworth open cut (team 2), Mandalong, Myuna, Mangoola, West Wallsend, Ulan Surface Operations, Wambo, Glendell and Drayton.
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