Massive rail maintenance improves coal chain
The Hunter Valley coal chain received improved performance thanks to a multi-million dollar network maintenance shutdown from 31 May to 3 June by Australian Rail Track Corporation (ARTC).
Over 1000 ARTC staff and contractors worked on more than 100 projects to improve throughput and reliability took place, furthering the Hunter Valley coal chain’s already high level of service delivery.
“Keeping the rail network running safely and smoothly is a bit likely running a finely tuned racing car,” said Executive General Manager Hunter Valley, Jonathan Vandervoort.
“There are multiple components that intricately work together for it to perform well and it requires an in-depth check-up and regular maintenance to ensure it continues running safely for over 250 train services a day.”
“That’s exactly the focus that will drive over 1000 of our staff and contractors next week, when we deliver millions of dollars’ worth of maintenance work at locations across the Valley.”
Typical rail maintenance tasks like replacing sleepers, cleaning and compacting ballast, welding rail and technical jobs like signalling work also took place.
“These shutdowns are planned more than a year in advance and we closely work with the Hunter Valley Coal Chain Coordinator to make sure we minimise the impact on our customers,” Mr Vandervoort said.
The next major, network-wide maintenance shutdown is planned for 23-25 August. There will also be some weekend maintenance trackwork around the port 11-13 June.
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