Think HBR


Scholarship Tour Winners
Lockheed Martin Australia (LMA), Regional Development Australia (RDA) Hunter and University of Newcastle (UoN) have joined forces through a partnership that will help to build an industry-skilled, homegrown Hunter workforce for the region’s growing defence industry.
LMA is partnering with RDA Hunter, as part of its commitment to investing in genuine opportunities for Australians in regional centres by jointly investing more than $40,000 in University of Newcastle Project Altitude Accord to develop high-value, job-ready skills needed to create, and sustain, advanced technologies for the future 5th Generation future defence force.
Project Altitude Accord will support the contextualisation of curriculum for the University of Newcastle to develop a ‘5th Generation’ technologyenabled workforce to support Lockheed Martin Australia’s future job requirements in integrated joint battle management, and provide real job opportunities for the Hunter region.
The Project has also created 10 scholarships for first year Aerospace Systems Engineering students to attend a fully funded education and research program tour in July 2019, which includes a tour of the STELaRLab in Melbourne and Endeavour Centre in Canberra.
These 10 scholarship positions were awarded to the winners of the University of Newcastle ‘Glider competition’ hosted at the University of Newcastle in early June.
Defence projects such as the F-35 program will deliver significant economic impact in the Hunter, bringing next-generation technology and related new, high-value, skilled jobs.
RDA Hunter has been working with Lockheed Martin Australia to help prepare a suitably qualified future workforce by share knowledge and connecting them into the region’s wider defence industry, education and government.
This partnership is supporting curriculum development across relevant Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics or STEM-related courses provided through the University of Newcastle by facilitating engagement with visiting fellows and co-ordinating industry and course appropriate site visits.