Think HBR

Local business support firm expands

BusinessBasics Brisbane
Business Basics – new Brisbane office
It’s been a busy few months for the Hunter-based BusinessBasics team, with the opening of two new offices and the welcoming of two new team members.
BusinessBasics have opened a new permanent office in Sydney at Suite 4, Level 1, 754 Old Princes Highway Sutherland. Mark Thorogood will be running the Sydney office. He has 10 years experience at top management level within domestically listed, as well as multinational organisations managing organisational change, supply chain and logistics development and organisational redesign at a top management level.
Gabriel Hendriksz is at the helm of the Brisbane office recently opened at 68 Commercial Road Newstead. She has more than 15 years’ experience across management systems and business improvement coupled with a commitment to Quality Assurance, Workplace Health & Safety, Environmental and Risk Management Auditing and Compliance.
To round out their geographic spread, BusinessBasics is also now servicing New Zealand, and plans are afoot to open an office in the near future.