Local business man shares secrets of success at luncheon to help Maitland Hospital

What: Maitland Hospital Foundation Business Fundraising Luncheon
When: Monday, 9 November from 12.30-2.00pm
Where: Maitland Regional Art Gallery, 230 High Street
Cost: $95 per head, includes lunch and drinks
To purchase tickets go to trybooking.com/153560
Local business people and patients of Maitland Hospital will benefit from another local businessman sharing the lessons he’s learned from his extensive career and the long history of the successful local mining and engineering company he runs.
Managing director and chief executive officer of The Bloomfield Group, John Richards, is guest speaker at the next Maitland Hospital Foundation business luncheon to be held at the Maitland Regional Art Gallery on Monday November 9.
The co-founder of the Maitland Hospital Foundation and managing partner at Pitcher Partners, Greg Farrow, said business people could learn a great deal from Mr Richards.
Founded in 1937, the Bloomfield Group is an Australian owned and Maitland-based company group specialising in mining and engineering services. It now employs more than 500 people at two Hunter coal mines (Rix’s Creek Mine at Singleton and Bloomfield Mine at Ashtonfield), Four Mile Engineering at East Maitland and Kings Engineering in Rutherford and Lithgow. The group also makes significant contributions to local community organisations.
Mr Richards is also a director of Port Waratah Coal Services, a director of ACA Low Emissions Technologies Limited, chair of the Executive Oversight Committee - NSW Minerals Council Upper Hunter Mining Dialogue. He is a member of the Coal Forum of the Minerals Councils of Australia, member of the Institute of Company Directors and a member of the Executive Committee, NSW Minerals Council.
Mr Farrow said the lunch aims to raise much needed funds for the Foundation to provide to Maitland and surrounding hospitals so they may continue to provide comprehensive, high quality health services to the community.
He said the luncheon was possible thanks to the generous support of major sponsor Marathon Tyres as well as Pitcher Partners, and Maitland Regional Art Gallery.
Previous luncheons speakers have included including Brian McGuigan, Alex Abrahams, Bob Cameron and Hilton Grugeon.
People interested in purchasing tickets should go to trybooking.com/153560
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