In a few words can you tell us what you do?
I’m currently working with organisations to manage and cultivate sustainable change within their business. This of course has a flow on effect to both the cultural environment and bottom line results of the business, with the added bonus of improving the personal and professional lives of their employees. I love my work because both the business and the individuals who work within it benefit.
How have you reached this point in your professional life?
I wanted to be a psychologist when I was in high school and this passion led me to gain a Bachelor of Social Science, a Diploma in Relationship Counselling, and to study Neuro Linguistic Programming, amongst many things. I also discovered a passion for business along the way and these days I combine the two. Recently I’ve become the only Australian to be certified in some unique tools that allow individuals and organizations to make sustainable change.
As an 18 year old leaving school I didn’t imagine life as it is now, I had no concept of what twists and turns my life would take. I think that’s part of this great adventure called life. My life experiences have certainly contributed to where I find myself today professionally.
What are you reading?
I tend to have multiple books on the go. At the moment I’m reading Brene Brown’s new book “Rising Strong” alongside a couple of business books.
How do you unwind?
Whilst I’m an extravert and enjoy social time with friends and family my home is my sanctuary and I love just hanging out there relaxing with my partner Glenn. I also like to spend time in the sunshine and by the beach either exercising or just staring off into the ocean.
Where do you find inspiration?
I’m one of those people who looks for inspiration everywhere. I find it constantly from the people I meet, the experiences I have, the books I read. I gain inspiration from music & nature and from those I love, like my son Bryce who is on his own career journey and has just purchased his first home. I think being passionate and inspired is a choice and I choose to seek it at every turn.
What’s your favourite line from a film?
“Carpe diem. Seize the day. Make your lives extraordinary.” Robin Williams in Dead Poets Society (1989)
What advice would you give someone starting out in
your field?
When you start out in any career or business I’d recommend:
1. Be patient and do the work. It takes time to build momentum just keep taking the next step, sometimes you can feel like it’s a step further away from your goal but it’s all part of the journey, always believe in you.
2. Cultivate a passion for your own personal growth and lifelong learning. Be willing to invest in yourself, don’t sit around and wait for someone else to create the opportunities or pay for your personal and professional education.
Tell us something most people don’t know about you?
In my teenage years I was very involved in music, I played a couple of instruments, sang whenever I had the chance and wrote my own music, I even won a talent quest performing one of my own compositions. Music was a passion I shared with my Dad who died when I was18. A combination of his death and moving into adult life saw me let that passion slide. It’s something I’d like to revisit one day soon.
How would you like to see the Hunter evolve?
That’s a BIG question. The Newcastle and Hunter Region I believe has massive potential and I think we need to adopt an attitude of resilience here too. The world is changing very quickly and being open to new innovative ideas about what our economy could look like going forward, rather than looking back wishing things had stayed the same, will put us in a position to see new possibilities for our region as they present themselves now and into the future.
We live in one of the most beautiful places in the country, it’s up to us as a community to work together to both attract and create new opportunities, whilst capitalising on what is already working. We all need to move forward together in building a robust sustainable economy. Ultimately I think greater collaboration, rather than aggressive competition, is going to be the key to a vibrant sustainable regional economy.
Where’s your favourite place to eat?
We have the most AMAZING range to choose from and it depends on what mood I’m in. Estabar and Blue Door are favourites after exercising by the beach.
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Kurri Kurri aluminium plant to be permanently closed and site remediated
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