Funny Business
In a village in the mountains, a little old man with a beard and a young girl set up a stall in the market place one day, selling bottles of homemade medicine, labelled ‘The Elixir of Life’.
“Come on, everyone!” the old man called out. “Don’t miss your chance to beat ageing. This is your opportunity to buy Archie’s miracle medicine. It’s the only medicine that cures old age. You only have to look at me to see the proof. I’m 250 years old.”
A crowd quickly gathered around the market stall, and the old man and the girl were kept busy handing out the bottle of medicine and taking the money.
There were two younger men in the crowd, and one of them said to the other, ‘You don’t really think he’s genuine, do you?’
“I don’t know. He might be telling the truth. He’s got an honest face.”
“You’ve got to be kidding!” said the other man. “He must be lying. It has to be a trick.”
“Well, why not question his assistant, then, if you don’t believe it?” suggested his friend.
So the man approached the girl and asked. “He can’t really be that old, can he? That’s completely ridiculous. Tell me the truth, is he really two hundred and five years old?”
“I’m sorry, sir, but I can’t really say,” the girl replied, “I’ve only been working for him for 75 years.”
“You must either modify your dreams or magnify your skills.”
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