This issue includes a feature on the Revitalisation of Newcastle.
After years of neglect to many parts of the CBD, Newcastle is experiencing a development revival that is gathering momentum and provides the opportunity to finally make the “Capital of the Hunter” the modern, thriving centre of business and community that we deserve.
The real catalyst for the flow of investment dollars has been action by the NSW Government in setting a firmer policy direction and creating a more attractive investment environment.
The decision to replace the inner city heavy rail line and produce a revitalisation plan had created the certainty that Newcastle has been crying out for many years.
It is a stark reminder of the importance of clear directions from governments at all levels as well as the stagnation that inaction promotes.
The Hunter and the entire country is at a very critical stage of its development in many areas and it is essential that Governments at all levels take a longer term leadership position on issues so that we can reach our economic and social potential.
HBR congratulates the NSW Government on its actions in promoting the Revitalisation of Newcastle and looks forward to its continued leadership.
Unfortunately there are far too many examples of a lack of planning and action in Governments across Australia that is stifling our country’s future.
A lack of action is perceived by many politicians as the safe route. There are large sections of the population that are against change, or will not support changes unless it is 100% to their liking.
The large majority of the electorate understands that change is inevitable and this often silent majority is frequently forgotten.
Taking a leadership position that entails change can be difficult, but this is what our country needs from its politicians in the 21st century with its ever-increasing rate of change. Those that are willing to take this leadership position will be long remembered in history. The others will be quickly forgotten.
Other Articles from this issue
Urban Growth NSW
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CSIRO Newcastle Energy Centre make Supercritical Solar breakthrough
CSIRO has used solar energy to generate hot & pressurised ‘supercritical’ steam, at the highest temperatures ever achiev...

Port lease delivers $1.75 billion to state
The successful leasing of Newcastle Port earlier this year has secured funds needed to revitalise Newcastle.