Think HBR


Welcome to the first issue of HBR for 2014.
Having already talked to many business people already this year, there seems to be more optimism than the corresponding time last year. Some of it is based on improved sales whilst others are in just in a more positive frame of mind and believe that this year will be better than2013.
The New Year also tends to make us reflect on our lives and businesses and perhaps make changes. The start of 2014 has certainly brought some changes at HBR, the most significant being the repositioning of HBR as not just the region’s leading printed business magazine but now also encompassing a more integrated hard copy – website – social media strategy. Whilst the printed magazine will remain an extremely important component, we are well aware that the online realm also offers its own unique advantages.
As such we have launched a completely redesigned website that offers more features and much more regularly updated content. We will also be using social media in a more structured manner to help keep our readers informed.
We would like to position HBR so that in the future you will think of HBR as being the printed magazine as well as the website, complemented by social media.
We believe 2014 will be a pivotal year in the evolution of HBR. To help us in our efforts to serve the Hunter business community, we would like to encourage your feedback, whether it is things you like about HBR (print and online) or things you think we could do better.
If we don’t have an opportunity to discuss in person, please feel free to drop me a line at au.
I look forward to hearing from you.