Think HBR

Free small business training and mentoring

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If you are trade qualified or just about there and have just started, or are about to start your own business you may be interested in the Apprentice To Business Owner program (AtoB) that is being offered by The Business Centre (Newcastle region).

It’s not easy starting your own business, to establish a successful business, in addition to trade specific competencies business owners need to develop small business management skills, to ensure they meet business and employment regulations.

The AtoB Program provides training in a nationally recognised qualification in small business management and includes business mentoring support for up to 12 months. Some of the topics outlined in the training schedule include: Planning, Marketing, Operations and Finance.

The AtoB Program is valued at around $1300, but for eligible tradespeople and subcontractors it’s free.

For more information or to find out if you are eligible visit or

call them on 4925 7700, courses are starting in July.