Four essentials to building a great team
Are you struggling to get your team motivated?
Are you frustrated that your team isn’t performing as well as they could, or worried that they’re not looking after your customers? Are you tired of dealing with day to day ‘people issues’ that get in the way of growing your business?
If this continues, are you worried where your business might be a year from now?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, you’re not alone. As your business grows, so does the need to spend more time and energy training and managing your team. The challenge is doing this while also juggling the demands of a growing customer base, and streamlining your business structure to support your growth.
For your business to thrive, the cycle of business must be:
• You support your team
• Your team supports your customers
• Your customers support your business
• Your business supports you.
The first and most important step is training and managing your team so they can look after your customers. Here are four essential tips to build a great team:
1. Share your business vision with your team Your vision is the dream you have for your business and what it will achieve. Think about why you started your business and what legacy you want to leave behind. Write it down as a vision statement, and review it with your team weekly. This gets your team working towards a common goal.
2. Enforce a team culture and values
Every team has a culture – some good, some bad! The key is to define what you want it to be. Write it down as a promise outlining non-negotiable behaviours (eg. respect, excellence). Share it with prospective employees when recruiting. Review it with the team weekly, and encourage them to keep each other accountable to the ‘rules of the game’.
3. Have clear job descriptions
When people know their place in the organisation and what is expected of them, it’s easier for them to perform to a high standard.
Encourage team members to take ownership of their own role, but also to ‘cross-over’ and help others when needed.
4. Review performance KPIs regularly
Review performance quarterly at a minimum. Assess each team member not only on how well they perform their tasks, but also on agreed standards of customer service, how well they live up to the team values and culture, WHS, and any other important aspects of their role.
As well as this, it’s essential that you and your managers regularly:
• Give both adjusting and affirming feedback to your team members
• Coach your team for improved performance
• Empower them to be autonomous with added skills and responsibility
You’ll know you are inspiring and managing your team well when they share your passion for your business and its customers, and take responsibility for their part in its success. With this support, they can look after your customers, and the rest of the cycle can continue.
For further information please contact Andrew Masi on (02) 4933 6622 email or visit
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