Deal to attract domestic and international routes to Newcastle Airport

Newcastle Airport has welcomed NSW Government announcement of continued commitment to attract new international and domestic routes to the airport via a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signed by Destination NSW (DNSW).
The MOU is an important part of securing new airline services to the region, offering Newcastle Airport an initial funding package from the Aviation Attraction Fund which includes airline incentives for two years from when new routes commence, as well as strategic marketing assistance.
Newcastle Airport CEO Dr. Peter Cock said ongoing aviation attraction funding was particularly important for regional airports and economies, and he looked forward to the review of the NSW Visitor Economy Strategy 2030, which would hopefully include a long-term aviation support program as a core element.
“This first round of funding is amazing for our negotiations to attract airlines to the region, and we look forward to continued aviation attraction funding in future years,” Dr. Cock said.
“Delivering new destinations for our community is critical to us. We know that we are in competition with airports from around Australia and globally, so we applaud the NSW Government for giving us a level playing field to go out and compete.
“Our region will have access to an upgraded airport terminal by mid-2025, this will not only enhance the experience for all domestic travellers but also provide significant upgrades to our international capacity. So it’s fantastic to have the support of the NSW Government to promote the region and attract new airline services to meet the region’s current appetite for both domestic and international travel.
“Local import and export businesses haven’t been forgotten. Our plans for an Aerospace East Precinct and air freight facility will also contribute *$12.7B to the regional NSW economy and increase the success of international air routes by providing airlines with the ability to supplement passenger revenue with cargo revenue.” (*$6.2 billion in extra income for the visitor economy, and $6.5 billion in additional freight activity over the next 20 years.)
“The NSW Government has already been successful in enabling catalytic regional development at Newcastle Airport with its investment into Astra Aerolab leading to hundreds of millions of dollars in defence and aerospace investments into the Hunter region.
“People in our region love to travel and it’s an incredibly exciting time with Newcastle Airport on the cusp of becoming a true global gateway.”
Dr. Cock thanked Minister Graham and Steve Cox the CEO of Destination NSW for this critical funding opportunity and said these kinds of partnerships, together with the support of the community and local businesses are essential in growing the airline market in the Greater Hunter and further strengthening NSW as a gateway to Australia.
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