Think HBR

Continued growth for Big Boys

Big Boys
Big Boys Building Services is experiencing a sustained period of growth, offering a “one-stop-shop” of building and maintenance services for customers in the Hunter and beyond.
The business commenced in 2009, focussing mainly on gutter cleaning & maintenance as well as knock down, rebuild jobs and renovations.
Growth was steady for the first five years or so, aided by major contracts such as gutter cleaning and gutter & roof maintenance of over 200 assets of Newcastle City Council. They have successfully won three successive two year tenders for this major job. Through their own staff and select subcontractors, other services were also added to enhance the offering to customers.
But the growth of the business really took off after owner Bok Hattingh completed detailed review and restructure in 2014 which led to the positioning of the company as a complete building services provider and the birth of the Big Boys Building Services identity.
The number of employees has now tripled from 5 in 2014 to currently 15, with plans to employ five more this year. With a talented team of employees and strategic alliances with consultants and subcontractors, they can now provide customers with practically any building service required.
The restructure of operations led to a number of operational changes, including the adoption of an online job management system that allowed scheduling, quoting, invoicing, risk assessments, Safework requirements and more from anywhere with internet access. Larger clients even have their own iCloud account. This led to huge operational efficiencies and improvements in customer service.
The growth and restructure also led Big Boys to move to larger, consolidated leased premises in New Lambton in late 2015.
Within 6 months they outgrew the section of the property they occupied and took over the whole block and they have now negotiated the option to buy the property to develop the office further and secure the property for future growth.
In a further strategic move Big Boys has established a new commercial glass factory in Wickham.
“With the new commercial glass and the staff in place we are very excited about 2017 and the expansion of the Big Boys Glass section of the company,” said Bok Hattingh.
During 2016 business grew across the board, with office fitouts in particular taking off. In fact the amount of work grew so fast that Big Boys made the decision to close their books for a period.
“It is always difficult to knock back work,” said Bok Hattingh,
“but our promise is to ‘Make it Happen’ and we were not willing to compromise this by taking on more work than we could fulfil with the quality and expediency our customers have come to expect.”