NSW. The product was developed after being approached by a Hunter based engineering company wanting to find a method to monitor their workers in confined spaces in the mining industry.
PSC designed a state of the art camera surveillance system specifically to monitor workers in confined spaces. The Confined Space Camera Monitoring System consists of high definition cameras, which enable a “spotter” to maintain visual contact with up to four workers on a monitoring screen. The system uses unique and patented components, many of which are manufactured in the Newcastle area.
Prior to PSC’s innovative Confined Space Monitoring System, it was not always possible to have visual contact with workers. The system not only provides an additional level of safety and security for the worker; it also has the capability of significantly reducing production and maintenance costs.
Several companies including UGL, Monadelphous Engineering, Subzero and Hastings Deering have used the Confined Space Monitoring System in the mining industry for shutdown maintenance and construction of draglines. Port Waratah Coal Services and Tomago Aluminium have also used the system for the purpose of fault-finding in their processes. Mobil’s Altona Refinery is currently using the Confined Space Monitoring System in their maintenance programs.
In 2013, the Australian Submarine Corporation (ASC) trialled the Confined Space Monitoring System during the maintenance program for the Collins Class Submarines. The trial indicated that the existing hard-wired system was not suitable for ASC’s requirements, and they worked with PSC to develop a wireless camera system. This innovative system has its own power source and duplex audio capability, eliminating the need for cables to run video signals and power the system. It also improved ease of access to the submarine workspaces, through being more compact than the existing hard-wired system.
This wireless system, developed by PSC in conjunction with ASC, won the 2014 Commcare Work Health and Safety Award – Solution to an Identified Workplace Health and Safety Hazard.
PSC is proud to have ASC and ASC AWD (Australian Warfare Destroyers) as clients, and in winning the HMA Board Award at the 2015 Hunter Manufacturing Awards along with a Highly Commended in the Excellence in Technology category.
Portable Safety Cam’s Confined Space Monitoring System exceeds the current Confined Spaces Code of Practice February 2014 Regulation 69, 5.7 Communication and Safety Monitoring
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