Think HBR

Chad Rapsey

What’s your current role and title?
I’m a co-founding Partner of Rapsey Griffiths - Insolvency & Advisory. As part of my role I’m a Registered Liquidator and Registered Trustee in Bankruptcy. Whether it's a complex or small matter, my focus is on developing strategies and taking a pragmatic approach to assisting companies or individuals recover from financial distress. I’m also Chairman of the Hunter Group of Chartered Accountants and Board member of Newcastle Youth Accommodation Services.
Throughout your working life, what job have you enjoyed most?
Definitely this one! I really enjoy the opportunity to provide certainty and a plan of attack for people that are in financial difficulty or chaos. They’re usually stressed out and have no idea of what direction to take so when they come and see us we are able to provide advice and assistance to take away some of that stress
In business or personally who or what do you find inspiring?
For me it’s not just one person I find inspiring, it’s instead seeing normal, everyday people achieve extraordinary things. It’s watching people think about and embrace innovation or people that are able to create something wonderful and successful from nothing.
What advice would you give someone following in your professional shoes?
The main thing upfront is education, to have a firm grounding at the beginning and then to also embrace continuous learning. That ongoing learning should be not only in your field, but also in areas that complement it, such as technology or management. I also believe it’s vital to ‘market’ yourself through networking and events.
If you create a wide pool of contacts early on in your career it will prove beneficial in the long run.
When you’re not at work, where can we find you?
I’m a bit of a homebody so most likely you’d find me at home being a bit domestic. My partner and I recently purchased a house with a garden so I’ve been thrust into the hobby of gardening. At this stage I am not showing any evidence of a greenthumb!
How would you like to see our region develop over the next decade?
Newcastle and the Hunter region are seeing a real resurgence, mainly due to the passion of the people living here. I want to see continuing success for the Hunter as we unlock the potential of the CBD through ongoing investment in the local area. From a business perspective, a focus on innovation and technology will be key over the next decade. I also hope that talented people choose to stay here or move here as we have a lot to offer.
Do you e-book or real book? And what are you reading at the moment?
eBook all the way. But I find it difficult to read a full book, short stories or articles are more my thing because they get to the point or the hook much more quickly.
Do you have a favourite sport or team?
How committed are you, would you miss a game for your best friend’s wedding?
The Essendon Bombers are my team, even though they’re in a bit of strife at the moment. So I wouldn’t jump ship from a losing team but I also wouldn’t see the need to miss a best mate’s wedding for a game.
Are you a tweeter or a talker, or do you do both?
A bit of both. I like the access to information you get from Twitter, but nothing beats talking face-to-face with people.