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Businesses only use their IT systems to 40% of their full capacity

Business and IT application consultancy Coritsu Group, which consults with small-to-medium sized businesses, has found that most are only using 40% of their IT system’s full capabilities.
Managing Director, Samuel Conway, of Coritsu says there are a number of reasons companies are not using these technologies to their full advantage.
He says it is generally due to a lack of integration with current systems, quick-fix solutions, staff have not been trained properly and solutions were not being evaluated in the most effective and strategic way.
“IT departments are often left in charge of integration of new process tools. However, business solutions need trained strategic business professionals to look at system implementation in a much more holistic fashion, rather than the narrow view most IT departments tend to take.”
“There are thousands of IT-based solutions on the market now and they’re more affordable than ever. From automating everyday processes to creating customised solutions to rapidly increase efficiencies in your business, there’s never been more on offer….and there’s also never been as much confusion!” said Conway.