Think HBR

Austin Engineering joint venture in the Hunter

Austin Engineering has formalised a joint venture with Rutherford based BK Plant Repairs and Maintenance.
A specialist in the repair and maintenance of mining and earthmoving machinery, BK Plant Repairs and Maintenance has been servicing the Hunter mining industry since 2007.
BK’s team of over 80 plant mechanics, auto-electricians and high voltage electricians are experienced in scheduled maintenance, machining, rebuilds and more.
Building on each company’s current capabilities, the joint venture enables Austin and BK to provide clients with a full range of services both on and off-site. These include design, engineering, product manufacture, component rebuild and complete repair and maintenance services, including mechanical and electrical services.
Austin Engineering’s Executive General Manager Eastern Australia Tim Ekert said, “BK’s focus on the provision of high quality workmanship means they are the ideal partner in expanding our capabilities in the Hunter Valley region.”
“More than a subcontractor arrangement, this formal joint venture provides clients with access to a new viable and reliable full service entity,” Tim said.
The joint venture has officially commenced with the provision of full service solutions available now.