Attract talented candidates to your organisation don’t deter them
Kate Grob
Savvy Staffing
Skilled, educated and dedicated workers are the backbone to any organisation and as much as jobseekers need to impress potential employers, likewise, your ideal candidate may have more than one employer vying for them so make sure you and your organisation are attractive.
So what are some of the things that can turn a candidate off and what can you do to avoid it?
• Not receiving at least an acknowledgement of their application.
Show some respect for the time and effort they have put into their application. It’s tough being a job seeker, particularly in this market.
• Misrepresenting a job.
Be clear on the job description before you even advertise and don’t mislead a candidate by overselling the job. Chances are even if they do start, they’ll leave and you will have to recruit again. THAT can be costly. Not to mention the bad taste it leaves in everyone’s mouth when things go pear shaped.
• Make sure the person interviewing is well informed and up to date of the position description and requirements.
Ask the candidate what he/or she needs in a role to remain happy and motivated and make sure it aligns with what your organisation can offer.
• Make sure the interviewer creates a positive picture of your organisation.
Everyone wants a happy working environment, and a happy working environment is a productive one. While money is an important factor, it’s not everything.
• Make sure you contact all interviewees to let them know of your decision and provide constructive feedback.
Nobody likes to be left hanging, even if it’s not the news they want to hear and if you can provide some sound constructive advice on how they can improve for their next interview, they’ll appreciate it.
• Be friendly and professional
Leave a long lasting positive impression of your company.
For further information contact Savvy Staffing on 0429 777 137, or visit
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