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APP Corporation delivering Tamworth Health Service redevelopment

APP Tamworth Hospital
On the 29 May 2015 the Tamworth Health Service Redevelopment project achieved a major milestone with the handover of the Tamworth Acute Services Building to Hunter New England Local Health District. This was a major milestone for Hunter New England Health and for Health Infrastructure and constitutes a major piece of social infrastructure being delivered for the community of New England.
This important deliverable involved the construction of a new multi-level hospital building that provides a hub for clinical service priorities in medical; surgical; paediatrics; maternity, and birthing; special care nursery; palliative care; emergency services; operating suites and recovery spaces; cardiac catheterisation laboratory; medical imaging; nuclear medicine and pharmacy. The facility also provides consultancy outreach and support for chronic and complex disease management across the whole community.
APP Corporation has been involved in this project since September 2012 as the Delivery Project Manager. The project was delivered on time, and on budget whilst managing to deliver a new hospital in a live environment, with minimal disruption to patients and services. As the Delivery Project Manager APP’s services have included management of the design, town planning, construction and the operational commissioning.
The next stage of the redevelopment is now underway which includes:
• Refurbishment of the Bruderlin Building to accommodate ambulatory care (outpatient) clinics, and Medical 2 and Surgical 2 Orthopaedic wards;
• Refurbishment and expansion of existing buildings to create a new Oral Health service;
• Minor refurbishment of the historic 1883 Building in keeping with heritage requirements;
• Conversion of the former wards into office space; and
• Additional car parking.
The new Ambulatory Care Centre is an exciting innovation that will allow better coordination of outpatient care. Currently outpatient clinics are located at a number of sites across the hospital campus, which means that patients who attend multiple clinics may have to move from one location to another to receive their care. 
The new Ambulatory Care Centre will combine the majority of outpatient clinics in the one location, including the renal unit, fracture clinic, diabetes service, paediatric clinic and obstetrics and gynaecology clinics. This stage of the redevelopment is expected to be complete in mid-2016.
Funding for the redevelopment was secured in May 2011, with the Commonwealth’s Health and Hospitals Fund (HFF) and the NSW Government jointly funding, with respective contributions of $120 million and $91 million.