And taking out top honours in the AFR Most Innovative Companies List are…
Tricky Jigsaw/M&C Saatchi - Fireblanket
NRMA’s ‘Why’ statement is to Make your world a safer place. And that is the impetus behind the design of the product that won them top accolades in the Most Innovative Companies list for 2017. Fireblanket sets off an alarm in the forest when its sensors ‘smell’ fire. The device tracks and predicts where the fire may go. Tricky Jigsaw setout to find the gap in dealing with at times catastrophic bushfires. With the alarm sounding at the cause of the trouble, combatting the fire and preventing the spread can begin much earlier. This is the new era of advertising, where product development for the good of community will bring recognition to a company. The dollars once spent creating a mind-blowing campaign are now spent creating a product that will have far reaching benefits and in this case, saving wildlife, property and perhaps human life.

Planet Innovation - Sofia 2
Sofia 2 uses fluorescence detection to test for influenza, Streptococcus and Respiratory Viruses at the Point-of Care. GPs can have Sofia 2 sitting on a bench and can be guided through diagnostic testing via an easy-to-use interface. Rapid diagnosis (Sofia 2 can provide a diagnosis within 15 minutes) means that patients can begin treatment immediately instead of waiting days for results to come back from the lab.
Custom Innovation Co - Tec.Fit
One day in the not too distance future perhaps every tailor and dress designer will be using this technology. Tec.Fit uses 3D printing to refine, in fact potentially perfect, the tailoring process. Customers are scanned and a 3D replica of their torso is printed at the point of manufacture. It literally takes seconds to scan the customer and all materials used to create the torso are 100% recyclable. The result is a rapid, cost-effective process and repeated fittings are no longer necessary. Apart from saving the client and the tailor time, the savings to the environment in reduced travel are one of the spinoff benefits.
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