Aged care training in China

Newcastle training organisation Novaskill (HGT Australia) has responded to the Chinese Government’s aspiration to provide a workforce of 10 million aged carers by 2020 through its innovative partnership in Shanghai.
The Shanghai Pharmaceutical School is recognised as a “model” Vocational School and through its partnership with Novaskill is leading the way by implementing “Aged Care Management” as a subject major for its students.
In May, the school’s leadership (through the Shanghai Ministry of Education) released a large number of its key staff to undertake a week of intensive training in the Australian VET and Elderly Care systems.
“The teachers are the best in their field and have already demonstrated their commitment to quality training for their students," said Mr Phillip Reed, Quality and Compliance Manager from HGT Australia.
Mr Reed flew to Shanghai to personally deliver the training required to qualify the SPS staff to deliver nationally recognised training in China.
“Each participant has been challenged by the training” Mr Reed said, “but they are passionate about their students’ learning and have impressed their colleagues with their understanding and commitment.”
“Australia and China have a strong history of collaboration in educational initiatives, but this is something completely new for everyone. We are not just supporting the development of training programs; we are actively supporting the emergence of a new system and standard of care in China,” said HGT’s General Manager, John Liddicoat.
This is one of many programs getting off the ground right across China in response to the emerging demand for more highly skilled Aged Care professionals. HGT Australia has entered into formal cooperation agreements with schools, hospitals, public and private care providers across numerous locations including Shanghai, Guangzhou, Nanjing, and Chengdu since 2015.
After 36 years of successful operation in Australia, expansion into China is a significant strategic priority for HGT Australia and has proven that Australia can play an active and important role in helping shape the future of China’s health and aged care industry.
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