2016 HMA recipients

Skilling the manufacturing leaders of tomorrow
As a leading regional provider of quality training to the Hunter’s manufacturing industry, Hunter TAFE is focused on providing employers with programs that not only ensure graduates have the skills required for today, but the skills and knowledge to become the innovators of tomorrow.
The Hunter Manufacturing Awards celebrate industry excellence throughout the region with five passionate and determined Hunter TAFE students being recognised for their commitment to the manufacturing industry and education.
Daniel Aubrey and Luke Coleman both of Valentine (Glencore), Daniel Jeffs of Warners Bay (TransGrid), Maddie Jordan of Metford (AMP Control) and Thornton’s Benjamin Riley (Port Waratah Coal Services) were the 2016 recipients of the HMA Board Scholarships, valued at $1,000 each.
The Scholarships are awarded to Hunter TAFE students undertaking a course directly relating to manufacturing in fields such as electrotechnology, electronics and engineering.
The awards recognise students’ commitment to their education and the passion demonstrated by these individuals to pursue a career in the local industry.
Established in 2009, the HMA Board have donated $75,000 for the annual Scholarships, providing more than 40 students with financial support and encouragement to continue to succeed and further their education within the manufacturing industry.
The HMA Board TAFE Scholarships are a part of the overall annual awards and focus on developing and supporting local talent, and encouraging students to pursue careers within the local manufacturing industry.
Hunter TAFE wishes to congratulate the Hunter TAFE student recipients on their achievements and thank the HMA Board for their commitment to fostering the future leaders of the Hunter’s manufacturing industry.

R&R Murphy Managing Director Rod Murphy and Downer Rails Brett McLennan
Manufacturer of the Year Sponsored by Downer Rail
2016 Major Sponsor, Downer Rail, awarded the prestigious award of Manufacturer of the Year to R&R Murphy.
There is an old saying that when the going gets tough, the tough get going. The winner of the Manufacturer of the Year for 2016 is a wonderful demonstration of that age old truth.
With traditional markets disappearing and economic conditions squeezing margins, tinkering at the edges was never going to cut it. The winner this year knew that the only way forward would be a bold and courageous reinvention of the business.
With the wisdom and humility to seek advice, a new pathway was designed, the whole team or ‘family’ that comprised the business was invited to help and given the opportunity to step up and share the responsibility for forging this new pathway. And step up they did.
Every opportunity to identify new revenue opportunities and improve the productivity of the business was explored, new skills were built, systems and processes pulled apart and redesigned, investments made.
World class benchmarks were achieved and a culture of trust, respect and commitment with a firm belief in an exciting future for the business was established.
With a courageous and visionary leadership team, an energised, loyal and motivated team, sound market diversification, including export opportunities, and a growing portfolio of happy clients this year’s Manufacturer of the Year has demonstrated that success awaits those willing to follow.
The Manufacturer of the Year also won a trip to an international destination to attend a trade fair, event or other activity that will serve to benefit their company. The trip was sponsored by helloworld – HTG Newcastle and HMA.

HMAs Bob Cowan, Adam Amos from Robotic Systems and helloworld Hunter Travel Group Helga Saxarra
HMA Board Award The HMA Board Award was presented to Robotic Systems
Robotic Systems has built their manufacturing business utilising the same level of focus and innovation which underpins their leading edge technology.
This has resulted in an engaging and stimulating working environment for their staff and delivers inspiration for their customers.
The uniqueness of the business is complimented by a true desire to listen to customers and to implement their feedback suggestions.
The speed of technological change today is a challenge and Robotic Systems have triumphed in leading the air race to succeed.
The Judging Panel considered the Titan Mk2 as an outstanding UAV and felt that the world needs to see this new and innovative aircraft.
They were completely refreshed by the company’s willingness and confidence in building this responsive culture and feel assured it is a sign of the company’s strong and successful future. Robotic Systems also won a trip to an international destination to attend a trade fair, event or other activity that will serve to benefit their company. The trip was sponsored by helloworld – HTG Newcastle and HMA.
The Judging panel felt that travel to an international trade show or event, will not only expand the knowledge base of the company but more importantly it will show the world what Australian Manufacturers are capable of designing and manufacturing.

Joshua Wivell of Molycop with Whitely Corporations Darran Leyden
Rising Star Award Sponsored by Whiteley Corporation
Joshua Wivell was the winner of the 2016 Rising Star Award. Joshua, an electrical engineer who works at Molycop, consistently demonstrated great vision, courage, resilience, high level technical knowledge and the skills needed to be key player in the ongoing transformation of our manufacturing industry in the Hunter.
Joshua has demonstrated through repeated, challenging and complex projects that he has the ability to thrive in a space that only the very best can make work. His personal passion and commitment along with his deep respect for the contributions of his co-workers have enabled him to find solutions to challenges that have delivered powerful and sustainable productivity improvements for his employer.
It is also important to note that a key thread in Joshua’s approach is the safety and wellbeing of his colleagues, in what can be a very hazardous work environment, and his solutions always incorporate ways to make the process not only more productive but inherently safer.
A highly commended was awarded to Virginie Murphy from RPC Technologies.

HVTCs Kellie Marks (representing Emma Gibson) and BAE Systems Andrew Gresham
Apprentice of the Year – Manufacturing Sponsored by BAE Systems
Apprentice of the Year – Manufacturing was awarded to Emma Gibson who is employed by Hunter Valley Training Company and hosted by Laing O’Rourke – Select Plant at Rutherford.
Apprentice of the Year – Manufacturing was awarded to Emma Gibson who is employed by Hunter Valley Training Company and hosted by Laing O’Rourke – Select Plant at Rutherford.
Emma’s interest in engineering started at an early age when she could be found in the shed working with her father who was a fitter machinist by trade. After completing the HSC in 2012 she undertook an apprenticeship in Engineering Mechanical.
Working in a male dominated industry had its challenges but she soon gained the admiration and respect from her fellow workers.
Throughout Emma’s apprenticeship she has been identified as a high achiever in all aspects including her theory studies.
Emma has been involved in a number of activities such as ‘try a skill” which helps to promote trades and encourages young people to consider opportunities in related industries.
Emma has also been involved in promotional activities regarding women’s equality and growth in the workforce empowering them to pursue careers that are stereotypically men’s. Emma won the 2015 National Association of Women in Construction Awards for Excellence.
A highly commended was awarded to Tristan McKenzie who works at Hedweld via MIGAS.

Hedweld Global Markets Development Manager Kristy Hedley and Davies Collison Cave Principal Patent Attorney Will Hird
Excellence in Innovation Sponsored by Davies Collison Cave
The Excellence in Innovation Award was won by the Hedweld Group of Companies.
The judges said Hedweld had an outstanding application, showcasing a brilliant product, the Milbrotec Floating Fence post.
It leaves one thinking – ‘why didn't I think of that?’ Distribution / sales are already in place and continuing to grow very quickly in what is a very short period of time.
The judges commented that this is innovation in action. Highly commended awards were given to TW Woods – Slashertek, Stabil Corp and RR Taylor.

RR Taylor Managing Director Warren Kaye and NSW Department of Industry Regional Director, Hunter – Central Coast Tony Sansom
Export in Manufactured Goods Sponsored by NSW Department of Industry
The Export of Manufactured Goods Award was awarded to RR Taylor for their MetMizer waste conversion solution
The judges said “Well done on a standout application, a fascinating product and great market successes!
“RR Taylor’s export market strategy was well articulated and included good insight into the specific areas of focus currently and over the next two years. “Other standout sections included the particular export challenges encountered and how each of these has been addressed, demonstrating a strong business focus.”
A highly commended was awarded to Boathoist for their StrongArm Kayak Loader (SAKL)

DSI Operations Manager – NSW Phil Cox and Strata Worldwide (Australia) CEO Tony Lobb
Excellence in Technology Award Sponsored by Strata Worldwide
The Technology Award was presented to DSI Underground for their Friction Bolt Automation.
DSI's recently installed automation system for friction bolt manufacturing has significantly increased the manufacturing process performance through fivefold increase in productivity and one-third requirement in man hours.
The automation also allows for reduced metal waste and increase safety performance. The installed system is an existing technology which has been applied in a novel way for the benefit of DSI's manufacturing competitiveness.
DSI has also shown its commitment to up skill their workforce and to the community. Highly commended was awarded to Robotic Systems for their titan mk11.

NEO Industrial Design Lead Designer Jon Pryor and University of Newcastle Head of School, School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Rick Middleton
Excellence in Product Design Sponsored by University of Newcastle
The Excellence in Product Design award was awarded to NEO Industrial Design for their CBM3 Golf Buggy.
The Neo Industrial Design CBM3 Golf Buggy sets a new bench mark for product design in the Hunter region, allowing Neo Industrial Design’s client, a NSW golf products company, to sell the CBM3 Golf Buggy through North America’s largest golf Products Company, Callaway.
The judges commented that this is what quality product design should do. Neo Industrial Design has carefully crafted the CBM3 Golf Buggy with an in-depth understanding the user’s broader requirements. The product is the most elegant three wheeled golf buggy on the market following on from the CBM2 golf buggy which was adopted by Maserati as part of their branded merchandise.
This Golf Buggy can be used without consulting the instructions, there is only one way it can be set up and operated. This is achieved without compromising safety.
The user cannot jam their fingers in the folding mechanism as pinch points have been designed out –all achieved while simultaneously reducing manufacturing cost.
Highly commended was presented to Stabil Corp and Design Anthology.

Excellence in Environmentally Responsible Manufacturing Practices Sponsored by Quarry Mining
Excellence in Environmentally Responsible Manufacturing Practices was won by Norris Industries.
The applicant identified a range of environmental aspects associated with their manufacturing operation over which they have influence. It is commendable that they have sought assistance through membership of and participation in industry programs such as the NSW Sustainability Advantage Program.
Continuous improvement in efforts to reduce their manufacturing environmental footprint are evident, together with flow on of benefits to their customers.
A focus on both upstream (suppliers) and downstream (product users) impacts, in addition to the in-house manufacturing process indicates a holistic approach.

Foghorn Brewhouse Co-Founder and Chief Brewing Officer Shawn Sherlock and Thurnham Teece Managing Director Lyn Thurnham
Excellence in Marketing Sponsored by Thurnham Teece
The Excellence in Marketing Award was won by Foghorn Brewhouse.
The combination of the use of digital platforms and engagement with business and community groups has provided Foghorn Brewhouse with a successful business model which has led to expansion to the Central Coast in a very short time period.
Foghorn demonstrated a passion not only to be successful but importantly to build a business that everyone in the Hunter is proud to have in the region. Foghorn has successfully achieved both and is already planning to tap into future opportunities and continue their business growth.

Excellence in Safety Sponsored by Port Waratah Coal Services
The Excellence in Safety Award was presented to Tomago Aluminium Company for their ‘Mates look after Mates’ campaign.
This is an initiative that was implemented, following a workplace accident that had dire consequences for those involved and others in the workplace.
It is a good example of employee involvement where past and present employees are involved in assessing the tasks that they complete on a daily basis and the risks associated with those tasks that are often ignored.
The involvement of employees is evident throughout the submission.
A simple approach with commendable results. Highly commened went to OneSteel Rod Mill’s 38 program.

Downer Rail Executive Manager HR NSW David Wilson and Bridon Bekaert Vice President Oceania Stuart Callenda
Excellence in People and Skills Development Sponsored by Bridon Bekaert
Excellence in People and Skills Development was awarded to Downer Rail.
This application was specific to apprentice training.
It is a training regime that improves technical skills through the use of partnerships with a variety of providers to meet the entire range of skills required to meet the qualification.
Of particular note is the increase in apprentices completing their trade qualification and the inclusion of a suite of life skills programs aimed at improving the contribution of the apprentice to the community in general, not just the workplace.
A highly commended was awarded to R&R Murphy.

R&R Murphy Managing Director Rod Murphy and KM&T Marketing Manager Felipe Jara
Excellence in Manufacturing Process Sponsored by KM&T
Excellence in Manufacturing Process was won by R&R Murphy.
The owners of R&R Murphy have achieved their vision to transform their company. It takes courage to do it anytime but to do it in tough times is exceptional.
Their commitment to their people is admirable. They took a chance by financially rewarding them as they improved their skills and took on extra responsibilities, a bet that appears to have paid off.
High commended was awarded to Moly-Cop
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