2014 Hunter Investment Prospectus launched

The Hon George Souris MP, Minister for Tourism, Major Events and Hospitality, Minister for the Arts and Minister for the Hunter with Garry Hardie, Publisher Hunter Business Review
The Hon George Souris MP, Minister for Tourism, Major Events and Hospitality, Minister for the Arts and Minister for the Hunter officially launched the 2014 edition of the Hunter Investment Prospectus at Fort Scratchley on 20 February in the presence of around 120 Hunter business representatives. Produced by Hunter Business Publications in conjunction with RDA-Hunter, the 100 page publication is distributed nationally and internationally to promote the Hunter’s business advantages.
The Hunter Investment Prospectus, which is endorsed by all levels of government, is an important tool in RDA Hunter’s work to grow and sustain the Hunter’s economy long-term.
“RDA Hunter implements a future focused regional agenda that aims to advance innovation, attract investment and strengthen the region’s key infrastructure,” said RDA Hunter CEO Todd Williams.
“Our investment strategy aims to grow capability for the region’s future with initiatives like our ME Program as well as attracting investment from outside the region, including internationally. The Hunter Investment Prospectus plays a significant part in communicating the Hunter’s key strengths as a business location and helps drive investment,” continued Mr Williams.
The 2014 Hunter Investment Prospectus is also available online at www.rdahunter.org.au The Smart Happens Here campaign was also featured at the launch. Smart Happens Here is a web based initiative that aims to pique interest in the Hunter by highlighting alternative regional attributes such as our people, our vibrant culture and our diversity. It is complementary to the Hunter Investment Prospectus and strengthens the RDA-Hunter suite of tools that help raise awareness of the Hunter outside the region.
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