March 2017
From the editor
The recent Fair Work Commission (FWC) penalty rates decision for the retail and hospitality industries has been widely p...

New Adviser of the Year award for local adviser
Crest Financial Services’ Andrew Thomas was named the National New Adviser of the Year for 2016 at the AMP National Advi...

Hunter Innovation Festival 2017 – celebrating 10 years
The Hunter Innovation Festival is celebrating its tenth year.

Super fund for small business
Multi-industry superannuation fund Nationwide Super is positioning itself to cater for the changing needs of Australian ...

Nobbys Lighthouse receives funding for next phase of development
Newcastle Now has been successful in securing $500,000 in grant funding from the Newcastle Port Community Contribution F...

Local GM named one of printing industries most influential people
WHO Printing’s General Manager, Daniel Ogle, has been named as one of the printing industry’s most influential and innov...

Major award for local financial adviser
Prosperity Wealth Advisers has announced that Gary Dean, Associate Director, has secured the prestigious Hillross Financ...

NSW launches new defence strategy
On the 21 February the state’s new Industry Minister Niall Blair launched a strategy to drive growth across the NSW def...

Newcastle Interchange moving ahead
Around the same time the V8 Supercars are racing around the streets of Newcastle, the city’s newest transport interchan...

Our Knights - One Chance
“Some 30 years ago the people of this region were rewarded for their determination and hard work but three decades on, t...

Urgent vs important: the healthy option
If I were to ask you what you consider to be the most important aspect of your life, would you say your health?

No experience? No problem! Apply here . . . .
We are living in a world where the most powerful people are not necessarily the smartest or the most experienced.

Six tips to improve cash flow
Slow and non-paying customers can be detrimental to the cash flow of a business.

Tony Cant joins forces with Starr Partners
Maitland’s Tony Cant Real Estate joined the innovative real estate group, Starr Partners, and rebranded as Starr Partner...

Raine & Horne top commercial office award for Newcastle
At the recent Raine & Horne Awards night Bill Russell presented the principals of Raine & Horne Commercial Newcastle (St...

Extended periods of sitting impacting on health
With Australians generally spending more time sitting at desks, in cars and in front of screens, we are meeting more who...

Purpose-built non-surgical cosmetic facility opened
Renew Medispa by Hunter Plastic Surgery has been officially opened via an exclusive launch event and the pull of a ribbo...

Is your golfing game being held back?
Golf is a great activity to be involved in and one many of our patients are active participants in.

New venture and new role for Quarry Mining Chief
Kari Armitage, Managing Director of Quarry Mining, has been appointed Deputy Chair of HunterNet, which is recognised as ...

Mine Rehabilitation Conference
Over three days in late March 2017, the University of Newcastle will hold, in Muswellbrook, the Seventh Annual Mined Lan...

Changes at Centennial Coal
In a changing of the guard Centennial Coal’s (Centennial) Managing Director and CEO, David Moult, announced he will be l...