Think HBR

Upgrading to an NBN internet service

Trent Goodall
Cube Voice & Data
Many households and businesses across Newcastle and the Hunter Region have experienced firsthand the end result of the National Broadband Network rollout. Some user experiences have exceeded expectations, yet others have found it to be an absolute nightmare.
To date, the NBN Rollout has been primarily based around Fibre-to-the-Premises for higher density locations and Wireless NBN for less populated regions. Newcastle has become one of the first regions in Australia to rollout Fibre-to-the-Node technology, where optic fibre cable connects one of the 121 NBN Points of Interconnect (POI or NBN Enabled Exchanges) to a node (Sub Exchange) nearby your premises. This node receives the internet connection via fibre optic cable and then redistributes the NBN Internet Service via existing Copper Cable to your premises.
My experience assisting Newcastle businesses connecting to the NBN FttN Services has been a steep learning curve. 
Several factors need to be considered before upgrading to an NBN internet service which can directly impact the performance of your connection including:
• Base speed offered by the carrier
• Carrier network congestion
• Copper cable distance from the node to your premises
• Residential versus Business Services
• Modem/router hardware
Minimising the negative impact of the above factors can mean the difference between an average or superior NBN Internet experience – ensuring you receive the performance you are expecting!
If you are unsure about how to deal with these impacts, I would recommend engaging a local Telco professional. They should take the time to understand your needs and can recommend a suitable service for your home or business, rather than a sales rep in a call centre trying to make another sale!
For further information contact Cube Voice & Data on 1300 884 884, email or visit