The Hunters Kindest Companies
LeapFrog ability is a Newcastle based, not-for-pro_t organisation. As well as o_ering accredited training, Leap- Frog ability o_ers a range of specialist services to help individuals with their disabilities or behaviours. While carry-ing out this work we have seen the shortage of _exible support for local children. To assist children who can’t _nd other funding sources, LeapFrog ability established the charity, Fair Go For Kids to provide a exible option for local children with a disability. With the help of local businesses known as the Hunter’s Kindest Companies, and groups such as The University of Newcastle Medical Society, Fair Go For Kids can o_er life changing treatment, equipment and support with a focus on early intervention and reducing red tape. In exchange for a donation or in-kind assistance to Fair Go For Kids, local businesses can join The Hunter’s Kindest Companies, directly help local children and receive the recognition they deserve.
To help support Fair Go For Kids, please call LeapFrog ability for more information on 4979 7777 and visit for a list of the Hunter’s Kindest Companies.
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