Skills to support innovation in the Hunter
Innovation means many different things in 2016. For Hunter TAFE in its simplest form, innovation requires the right mix of industry, employers and highly skilled and experienced teachers who can use the TAFE model to be creative and innovative while developing skills for now and for the future.
In order to create this secure, sustainable and prosperous future, Australia will require enhanced capability in science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) areas along with skills in complexproblem solving, teamwork, interpersonal negotiation skills and the ability to adopt a multi-disciplined approach.
As one of Australia’s largest vocational education and training providers, Hunter TAFE has a significant part to play in delivering the right training programs to provide industry with the skilled workers that will lead innovation.
Collaboration with industry and employers across the region has always been an important part of the how Hunter TAFE develops programs to meet the skills needs of the region.
Hunter TAFE is actively working with RDA Hunter, AIG, HunterNet, schools and businesses across the region to develop programs that encourage school students to continue STEM skills education in an exciting and engaging way that demonstrates how those skills link to future careers.
Hunter TAFE CEO/ Institute Director, Christine Warrington said that TAFE’s role is to ensure that skills training continues to match the needs of employers across the Hunter and Central Coast regions.
“As one of the major education providers in the region we have a responsibility to ensure our training programs continue to remain relevant, focusing on applied learning and hands-on practical training,” said Ms Warrington.
“Adapting our products and programs is something we have been required to do throughout our 120 year history,” she said.
“From developing light automotive courses that include the computer and electronics skills required for modern vehicles, to including 3D printing technology in our industrial design courses.
New technologies and applications of those technologies has always been changing,” said Ms Warrington.
“The difference is that now we will experience this change at an unprecedented rate.”
“A truly coordinated approach between government, industry, schools, the VET sector and universities will be required to ensure that the Hunter and Central Coast are prepared and supported with the skills required to drive a prosperous and sustainable economy.”
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