Scone Cup half day public holiday

To celebrate the Scone Cup, Friday 11 May 2018 is a half day public holiday from noon in the Upper Hunter Shire, with the exception of the Merriwa district.
As in previous years the half day holiday will apply to towns and villages including Aberdeen, Blandford, Bunnan, Ellerston, Gundy, Moonan Brook, Murrurundi, Parkville, Scone, Rouchel, Timor and Wingen.
Upper Hunter Shire Mayor Wayne Bedggood said there was a great deal of community consultation to hold public holidays and he hoped the community would support the event.
“We look forward to seeing everyone at the 2018 Darley Scone Cup Carnival which will be held on Friday 11 May and Saturday 12 May 2018,” he said.
The Scone Cup Carnival is one of the many highlights of the Scone Horse Festival. It is a two day extravaganza of high class racing, fashion and fun with nearly $2 million in prize money as well as Fashions on the Field which has magnificent prizes to be won as always.
Council offices including libraries and youth centres will be closed from noon on Friday 11 May 2018.
The Scone Visitor Information and Horse Centre will be open every day of the Horse Festival with maps, advice and merchandise, from 9am to 5pm week days and 10am to 4pm weekends.
For more information visit,, or follow their pages on Facebook.
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