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Port of Newcastle’s non coal trade growth continues

Newcastle Port
Trade at the Port of Newcastle remains strong with the 2015 trade statistics showing the Port handled 163.9 million tonnes of trade in the calendar year. This was a 0.3% decrease in port trade compared with 2014.
Coal exports, comprised 158.1 million tonnes (96.5% of trade), providing a stable foundation for its continued growth, coupled with the further growth and diversification of other trades. The decrease in coal exports is a reflection of current difficult market conditions. Despite the reduction in exports to China, positive growth in exports to other countries was recorded. The largest coal export destinations were Japan (45%), Korea (20%), China (13%) and Taiwan (11%).
Non coal trade (imports and exports) comprised 5.8 million tonnes in 2015, an increase of 9% from 2014. Growth was recorded in fuels, fertiliser and alumina imports, meals and grains, concentrates and steel exports.
Meals and grains have seen increases in both imports and exports through the Port. The arrival of a record 1.25 km long grain train in December 2015 carrying 5,000 tonnes of wheat highlights the opportunities for efficient distribution of grain from facilities at NAT and Graincorp.
The import of fuel is an important growth opportunity for the Port, in response to the closure of Australian refineries. The Port has three fuel terminals and another terminal in the early stages of planning.
“With 200 hectares of vacant port-side land and a shipping channel that can handle double the current shipping, the Port of Newcastle has huge capacity for growth,” said Geoff Crowe, Port of Newcastle CEO.
“The Port’s excellent national road and rail links to established distribution hubs on the outskirts of Sydney and Brisbane can generate time and cost savings for customers via co-located intermodal and berth operations.”
Cargo 2014 2015 Variance
Alumina 1,062,453 1,147,442 8.0%
Aluminium 103,595 64,131 -38.1%
Coal 159,035,923 158,124,064 -0.6%
Concentrates 479,514 544,074 13.5%
Fertiliser 444,224 523,381 17.8%
Fuels 1,171,700 1,465,275 25.1%
Tar and Pitch 272,592 240,029 -11.9%
Meals & Grains 192,655 422,932 119.5%
Petroleum Coke 211,751 195,607 -7.6%
Steel 255,817 224,896 12.1%
Wheat 356,241 294,293 -17.4%
Other Trade 737,243 660,178 -10.5%
Total Trade (Mass Tonnes) 164,323,708 163,906,302 -0.3%