Think HBR

Newcastle must aim high

Hunter Property Council Newcastle is no longer in the race with other Australian regional centres to create a competitive, livable and sustainable city.
Ed Crawford, Chair of the Property Council’s Hunter Division, said “We’re now in a competition with regional cities across the Asia Pacific for the capital which attracts and accommodates smart growth.”
“The Hunter’s natural assets and location puts us at the epicentre of a new wave of offshore investment to fuel the next phase of renewal and it’s an opportunity we need to seize.”
Mr Crawford made the comments after political leaders from the Premier to the Lord Mayor, said Newcastle needed to get serious about capitalising on the potential to become a “jewel of the Asia Pacific”.
His comments also followed news that Newcastle Airport’s $11 million expansion would give The Hunter direct links to the Asia Pacific for business, investment, tourism, education, regional produce and more.
Mr Crawford added, “As a region, we’ve always had a firm eye on linking with overseas export markets, from tourism to coal.”
“For the first time, we can send local industry experts to capture investment dollars from those Asia Pacific markets because they are armed with a suite of Government policy settings that give certainty to major urban renewal projects.”
He pointed to Minister for Planning Pru Goward’s suggestion that aspects of the Goods Line project in Sydney could be used to reinvigorate Newcastle.
They could include opening up a pedestrian and cycle network through to the harbour and elevated platforms for public entertainment, recreation and study areas.
“Our members know from their customers, regular Novocastrians, that this transformation is deserved and long overdue.
“The people of The Hunter get it they know Newcastle’s revitalisation is more than a physical makeover.
“They know this is a generational opportunity to aim high and create a truly world-class regional capital not just for Australia, but for our booming part of the globe.”